12 Healthy, Easy& Quick Breastfeeding Snacks for Mom

1. Carrots & Hummus

Carrots & hummus is an almost-effortless snack that’s heart-healthy, protein-packed,nutrient-rich, and delicious. Making homemade hummus is super simple, but if you are short on time, you can also stock up with some store-bought, like this one.

2. Plant-Based Protein Bars

plant based protein bars

During lactation, it is essential to get adequate protein to maintain your health and provide sufficient nutrition for your newborn. Protein bars are an easy and effective way to get additional protein in your diet. Opt for a low-sugar, natural protein bar packed with vitamins and minerals. There are a couple of brands that make protein bars, especially for women, with minimally processed ingredients, like:

●GoMacro Bars

●Aloha Protein Bars

●Mindright Superfood Bars

●Luna Bars