12 Healthy Snacks That May Support Weight Loss


1. Tropical Smoothie Bowl

tropical smoothie bowl with mango, blueberries, kiwi, and coconut shavings on a wooden table

Bursting with vibrant flavor, this fruity smoothie bowl is a rich source of fiber but only has 180 calories. Fiber-rich foods like fresh fruit can help keep you satiated. A star ingredient in this bowl is frozen mango, which provides more than half your day’s worth of vitamin C in just one cup. Top it with chopped almonds and shredded coconut for even more fiber and a dose of healthy fats to help round out the snack and keep you full.


2. Kale “Chips”

homemade crispy kale chips with parchment paper in a bowl

One of the healthiest vegetables, kale is low in calories but high in water content, vitamins and minerals. These crispy “chips” are the ultimate low-calorie and low-carb snacking option but are packed with nutrients and fiber. Munch on the chips by themselves or pair them with low-fat buttermilk ranch. If you are choosing the store-bought kind, look for as few ingredients as possible. Kale chips (similar to potato chips) should contain just kale, oil, salt, pepper and some seasoning like garlic and onion powder.