A reusable water bottle could keep your body functioning normally
Americans create 34.5 million tons of plastic every year, yet only about 30 percent of plastic bottles are recycled, according to the EPA. Switching to a reusable water bottle will keep that plastic out of landfills (or cut energy that would normally go toward recycling it), but it can also keep your hormones functioning in the way they should. You might have already heard that bisphenol A (BPA) might disrupt estrogen, but even though manufacturers are shying away from the chemical, some evidence suggests that one of its substitutes, fluorene-9-bisphenol (BHPF) can block hormones too. Check out what happens to your body when you start drinking water.
Biking to work can reduce stress
Leaving your car at home and getting to the office by foot or bike helps you burn less gas, but it can also have a double dose of benefits for your body and mind. You’re burning calories in a time when you’d normally be sitting in traffic, but that’s not all: A study of 123 Canadian employees found that those who had cycled instead of driving or taking public transportation had the lowest levels of stress 45 minutes into the workday. Don’t miss these ways to go green in the kitchen.