How The iPhone Has Changed The World In 10 Years

Technology In a decade, Apple has sold over a billion of its touchscreen mobile phone, now in its
seventh release.
Ten years ago Apple was selling the iPhone, the iconic device that literally revolutionized the mobile
phone industry and changed our habits. The giant apple still remains under pressure pending the
possible release of a new product.

The iPhone was introduced to the general public January 9, 2007 by Steve Jobs, visionary boss of
Apple today deceased. Rarely has a device so upset habits as this small touchscreen accessory, while
at the time the market was dominated by the Blackberry keyboard phones.
It was June 29 that the first customers could buy an iPhone, at the price of long queues in front of
Apple stores. Ten years later, the group has sold more than one billion iPhones, which is in its
seventh version. The Cupertino group is expected to announce version 8 in September, according to
the trade press.


Nearly 212 million devices were sold in 2016 and nearly 50 million in the second quarter of this year, according to the latest available figures. Multitude of applications
What was then quite unexpected was the way the iPhone was going to allow the development of a multitude of applications that allow today to tweet, send instant messages, play Pokemon Go or broadcasts live videos.

“Apple has enabled the development of all these applications that have brought this mobile computing platform into your pocket,” said Brian Belau, an analyst at the specialty firm Gartner.
“Today, it is difficult to create a consumer electronics product without connectivity” to the internet,
he adds.
Smartphones even play a big role in virtual reality accessories, which are becoming more and more
popular: inserted into headsets, they serve as a screen for exploring a range of virtual realms.
Internet in the pocket

“The iPhone has changed the world because mobile computing is now part of people’s everyday
lives,” says Blau. The iPhone, in a way, has been the seed around which the consumer electronics
industry has grown and proliferated, said Maxwell Ramsey of the mobile phone information site

“What he did is quite remarkable. We are still surfing this wave born in 2007, no doubt about it, “he
says. Putting the internet in the consumer’s pocket or on tablets has profoundly changed the way
you watch a film, inform yourself, socialize or work. “It has changed the direction of the industry,”
says Ramsey. “It has also destroyed many businesses and changed the landscape.”
The iPhone in its many variations has been a huge source of revenue for Apple but, for the first time,
sales began to decline in 2016 in an increasingly saturated and hyper competitive market.
According to IDC, South Korean Samsung has become the world’s largest smartphone maker in the
first quarter of 2017, ahead of Apple. Both, however, are under increasing pressure from Chinese,
Huawei, Oppo or Vivo, whose phones are sold at bargain prices.
Doubts about the creative power

The boss of the Apple brand, Tim Cook, and other officials have seen their wages lowered because
internal targets were not achieved, according to a document of an US regulator Friday.
The Silicon Valley giant is seeking to diversify its revenue streams through applications and services.
For example, the “App Store”, the App Store, recorded the biggest day of its history on January 1,
ending a particularly successful holiday season.

Since the launch of the App Store in 2008, developers have received nearly $ 70 billion through
applications tailored for Apple devices, according to the company.
But the Californian firm remains under pressure to release the next revolutionary object, many
fearing that it has lost its creative power since the death of Steve Jobs in 2011. Among the projects in
progress, Apple “focuses on autonomous driving systems “A key fundamental technology” for the
future, recently confirmed Tim Cook.