Remedies for Heartburn All Year Long


5.Memorial Day

If you’re celebrating the long weekend at the ball game, don t let heartburn throw you a curveball. Strike one: the carbonation in soda. Strike two: the tomato-based ketchup slathered on that hot dog. Strike three: the alcohol and carbonation in beer. Instead, try a grilled chicken breast and drink lots of water. If you can’t resist ballpark eats, over-the-counter heartburn medicines can help.

6.4th of July

Declare your independence from heartburn by staying away from greasy, fried foods like potato chips and fried chicken. Skip high-fat desserts, particularly those with chocolate. Try to keep away from tomatoes in salads, salsa, and ketchup and the carbonation in soda and beer. Instead, have a burger with a little mustard or mayo, a fruit salad (no citrus), or an apple.