1. Bisi Bele Bhaat:

This colorful, amazing kid-friendly rice dish would definitely be a favorite!
Whether it is your super picky child or your lamenting husband or anyone for that matter, there is simply no way for them to resist this.
If your kids are bored with plain lentils or dal sambar, make the bise bele at home, serve them and watch them empty their plates.


2. Risotto:

Do you want to try Italian rice dishes for kids? This Italian rice porridge is a buttery rich delight, and a very popular comfort food around the world, especially in Europe! Usually people have it in fancy restaurants, but to make it at home is simplicity itself. It can be cooked in a deep-dish pan or a pressure cooker and also be made into a risotto rice pudding. save some money by ditching the restaurant, put on some Italian music and enjoy your risotto at home!

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