3. Fruit and Nut Tortilla Roll-Ups
This is one of the simplest camping recipes with a perfect blend of texture and flavor. It is quick to prepare and packs wholesome nourishment your child needs while camping.
You will need:
1 pack of tortilla
1 cup peanut butter or hazelnut spread
Sliced banana, apples, and strawberries (other fruits of choice can also be added)
Walnuts, almonds, and pecans
How to:
Take a tortilla and place it on a plate.
Choose the spread of your choice. Take one teaspoon of the spread and spread it evenly on the tortilla.
Now place fruit slices in order of your choice.
Add coarsely chopped nuts over the fruits. You can also sprinkle cinnamon powder over the nuts for flavor.
Roll the tortilla and bite it big.
4. Brown bears
These are great as breakfast sticks or just snacks in the evening. This, without a doubt, is one of our favorite campfire recipes for kids!
You will need:
1 pack frozen biscuit dough, easy split
1/3 cup butter, melted
2/3 cups white sugar
3 tbsp cinnamon powder
How to:
In a bowl, combine the sugar and ground cinnamon properly.
In another bowl, melt the butter and separate the biscuits.
Stretch each piece of the biscuit dough into a long strip, but not too long.
Wrap the strips around the end of the campfire sticks (clean them beforehand) – make a cap to make them stay on the stick and not fall off.
Give one stick each to the kids and ask them to hold them in the campfire for eight to ten minutes.
Once it turns brown, as in a little baked, roll the biscuits in the cinnamon and sugar mixture.
Eat while it is warm.