1. Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
Tadasana is the foundation of all standing poses. It is a great starting pose, resting pose, or a tool to get a better posture.
How to:
Stand with your toes touching the ground and heels slightly apart from each other on a yoga mat over a firm surface.
Lift and spread your toes and lay them softly down on the floor. Adjust your feet and body slowly so that the sole of the feet covers the maximum ground. Rock back and forth, and gradually come to a standstill in a balanced and good posture.
Inhale and lift your arms straight above the head. Press the shoulder blades into the back and then widen them before releasing. Lift the top of your sternumi upwards without pushing the ribs to the front.
Firm your thigh muscles and lift the knee cap, without putting pressure on the lower belly or hardening it. Lift your inner ankles to strengthen the inner arches and imagine a line of energy along the inner thighs, groin, upper torsoi, neck, head, and through the crown of the head.
Turn your thighs slightly inward, lengthen the tailbone downwards, and lift the pubic bone upwards.
Keep your under-chin parallel to the floor, throat soft, and tongue wide and flat on the floor of your mouth. Keep your eyes relaxed.
Stay in this pose for 30 seconds to one minute and practice inhalation and exhalation gently. If you experience distress or pain, come out of the posture.
2. Chair Pose (Utkatasana)
Utkatasana helps the muscles of the arms, legs, and also the heart and the diaphragm.
How to:
Stand in tadasana. Take a deep breath in and extend your arms towards the ceiling while keeping them perpendicular to the floor.
Keep your hands parallel to each other with palms facing inwards or join the palms.
Breathe out and bend your knees so that the upper torso forms a right angle with the knees while the thighs should be parallel to the ground. Keep your arms extended.
Keep your shoulders broad, and try to pull your tailbone towards the ground to achieve a good stretch of the lower back.
You can be in this pose for 30 seconds to one minute before coming back to normal posture. If you experience distress or pain, come out of the posture.
Take a deep breath again, straighten your knees, and exhale while bringing your arms back to their normal position.