Candy Calories That I Can Consume


11.Laffy Taffy

This chewy fruit-flavored candy goes back to the 1970s and is made by the Willy Wonka Candy Company — who knew that was a real thing?

Mini size: 32

You could have quite a few without hitting your daily allowance. That’s a pretty good deal — the calorie count for most other fun-size candies is about double that.


Some people are very particular about which colors they eat. There are even urban legends about the effects of some of them — but we’ll let you do that research on your own.

Fun size: 65

You’ll get about 17 plain M&M’s in a fun-size pack, and two packs will keep you under your daily allowance. That means you could eat one M&M every 15 minutes for an entire 8-hour workday. Sure. See if you can make them last that long.