How to Make Your Smile Better and Brighter


7.Bonding: A Small Fix for Teeth

If your teeth are chipped, broken, cracked, or badly stained, bonding can be an easy fix. It can also be used to fill small gaps between teeth.

Your dentist applies a tooth-colored resin and then molds it like putty to your tooth. They then use a high-intensity light to harden the material. In the final step they polish the new bonded tooth.

8.Get a Veneer ‘Makeover’

If your teeth are badly stained, crooked, or misshapen, fixes like bleaching or bonding might not be enough. Try porcelain veneers that cover up trouble spots.

Getting veneers can take two visits to the dentist, but they can change uneven yellow teeth into a straight row of pearly whites. They’re custom-made to fit the front surface of your teeth.