Unexpected Depression Symptoms



Having trouble quitting smoking? Being depressed doubles your risk of smoking. Heavy smoking more than a pack a day and having a cigarette within 5 minutes of waking are common habits among smokers who are depressed, according to the CDC. While depressed smokers are less likely to quit, they can. Quitting programs that use techniques similar to those used to treat depression, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy or antidepressant medications, seem to help.

12.Not Taking Care of Yourself

What does fastening your seatbelt have to do with depression? Suddenly neglecting basic self-care can be a sign of depression and low self-esteem. The signs may be as small as not buckling up or brushing your teeth or as big as skipping physical exams or not tending to chronic conditions such as heart disease or diabetes. Get help for your depression and you’ll likely begin to take care of yourself again.