Fermented Foods to Improve Well-Being


3.Your Gut Reaction

The benefits of fermented foods start in your digestive system — your gut. The gut is called your second brain because of its powerful influence on many aspects of your health, from mood and behavior to appetite and weight. It even affects your immune system. Feeding it with fermented foods helps give you a better mix of the bacteria known as the gut biome. That boosts gut health and, in turn, all the body functions that your gut supports.

4.Keeping Blood Sugar in Check

Studies show that yogurt has a link to lower blood sugar. It can also help ward off metabolic syndrome and its serious result, type 2 diabetes. Choose yogurt rich in probiotics over the regular kind for the most benefits. If you already have diabetes, eating yogurt with multiple strains of bacteria and yeast can help keep all your numbers in line: blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol.